Speak Asia New Decision will be confirmed

SAOL could make changes at their new website. But everything will be confirmed by the Pop Up at their website with in short period of time.

1. Survey Income could not be transferred to another ID even to your Tripod ID and Cash Request could start on or after 27th July 2011.

2. SAOL Marketing team are working for its advertisement at different cities in India. As a result, everyone could see the BillBoards or Banners in your area.

3. RBI and other authorities are taking observation on SAOL's activities but they could not take SAOL under law because this is not registered in India till now.

4. SAOL management trying to their best to start the business with Product. for that reason they are doing surveys on this. they are trying to provide the best Quality product to their members.

5. New website could be launched on 25th June 2011 if possible. The development phase of the website is going on, it is not possible to upload all product at a time for that they will upload day by day.


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